Koffee Token (KOFFEE)
The KoffeeSwap Token (KOFFEE) contract is deployed to the KuCoin Community Chain at: 0xc0ffeE0000921eB8DD7d506d4dE8D5B79b856157
View chart, transactions, and perform swaps: https://koffeeswap.exchange/#/pro/KCS/0xc0ffeE0000921eB8DD7d506d4dE8D5B79b856157
Total Supply: 12,648,430
Liquidity: 3,162,108–25% This allocation will be used to fund the initial liquidity pool.
Further Liquidity: 3,162,108–25% This allocation will be used to deepen the Koffee liquidity pool. As KoffeeSwap collects fees, 50% of the fees will be used to add liquidity to the Koffee pool.
Ecosystem Rewards: 3,162,108–25% This allocation is reserved for incentivizing stable coin liquidity providers. More information about this will be available as stable coins begin to become available on KCC.
Reserved for Future Use: 3,162,106–25% This final allocation will be set aside for possible future use cases (e.g. further LP incentivization, liquidity for exchange listings, etc).