KoffeeSwap Liquidity Mining

4 min readJul 31, 2021


Stop by the KoffeeSwap Kafé to Kickstart Your Day!

The time has come for you to pair your tokens and and receive rewards! The KoffeeSwap team is proud to announce the KoffeeSwap Kafé, you supply the mugs, we supply the koffee! Deposit your liquidity provider tokens and receive KOFFEE as a reward.

This should be familiar for anyone who has participated in farming/liquidity mining in the past, but if you are unfamiliar please follow the guide below.

How to Brew on KoffeeSwap

Follow these steps:

Navigate to the “Pool” screen to pair your LP tokens.

Click “Add Liquidity” if you have not paired your tokens yet, if you have already created LP tokens and do not see them on the list, click “Import It”.

If you have not added liquidity yet and you click “Add Liquidity” you will be directed to the screen below.

You must have BOTH tokens that you wish to pair. Choose the amount of the token you will be pairing and approve the transaction.

After approving the transaction you will need to click “Supply”. You will also be prompted to add the KoffeeMug to your MetaMask after pairing.

Deposit Your LP Tokens

Now, lets navigate back to the “Pool” page and click “Brew”. This is where you farm on KoffeeSwap. We call it brewing ☕.

On the brew screen you will see the pools available to deposit your LP tokens into. Currently, there are two pairs available KCS/USDT & KCS/USDC.

Click the “Deposit” button to begin brewing koffee from your stake.

On the deposit screen, click “Deposit KoffeeMugs”. You will see the screen below afterwards.

Enter the amount of LP tokens you would like to deposit and click “Approve”. After approving the transaction you will still need to click “Deposit”.

Confirm the deposit and you are done! You are now brewing Koffee! But wait, how can I claim my rewards and benefit from this process?

How to Withdraw & Claim Brewed Koffee


In the “Your unclaimed KOFFEE” panel, click the purple “Claim” button.

Withdraw & Claim

When you withdraw your LP tokens you will automagically receive your rewards. Follow these steps to withdraw your LP tokens.

Click the “Withdraw” button. You will see the screen below asking you to “Withdraw & Claim”. Click that button to proceed.

The screen that appears will show your liquidity and unclaimed rewards, both of these will be sent to your wallet after clicking “Withdraw & Claim”.

Finally, confirm the transaction and you will receive your freshly brewed Koffee and LP tokens!

Guide Written by TUKYO




Written by KoffeeSwap

KoffeeSwap is the first Decentralized Exchange on the Kucoin Community Network with Built-in Charting! koffeeswap.exchange

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